Dr. med. Joachim Leupold

Specialist for psychiatry and psychotherapy

Dr. med. Joachim Leupold grew up in germany. After studying medicine in Munich, he came to Switzerland in 1995. He completed his whole specialist training and received his doctorate from the University of Zurich. Today he lives with his wife and two children in the Sarganserland region. He enjoys spending his free time outside, either hiking, mountain-biking or working in the garden.

2015 – 2016
Training as a supervisor for cognitve behavioral therapy; Center for Integrative Psychotherapy (CIP), Munich

Systemic couple therapy, Institute for Ecological-Systemic Therapy, Zurich

since 2008
Own practice based at Bartholoméplatz 3, Bad Ragaz

since 2008
Member of the executive board and board member of the Pizolcare regional medical network
QZ manager and president of the association “Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Pizol”, Werdenberg region – Sarganserland

certificate of advanced studies (CAS) at the University of St.Gallen (HSG) for executives in healthcare.

2007 – 2008
Training as a medical examiner Swiss insurance medicine

2005 – 2008
Medical Director Medical Center of the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz AG in Bad Ragaz,
since then in a cooperation, area: prevention of stress-related diseases

2003 – 2004
Senior Physician of the Forensic Service of the Graubünden Psychiatric Services

May 2003
Founding of his own practice in the medical center, Grand Resort Bad Ragaz

Diploma for the federal specialist for psychiatry and psychotherapy, Association of Swiss Physicians (FMH), Bern

Federal training title “General Practitioner”

Doctorate in medicine from the medical faculty of the University of Zurich

License to practice medicine, Bavarian State Ministry of Labor and Social Order, Family, Women and Health, Munich

1996 – 2004
Psychotherapy training at the Center for Integrative Psychotherapy in Munich, at the Institute for Systemic-Ecological Psychotherapy in Zurich and at the Psychoanalytical Seminar Zurich

1995 – 2003
Specialist training in psychiatry and psychotherapy in various psychiatric clinics in Switzerland

Studied human medicine at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich

Janette Eberle

Practice assistant

Janette Eberle grew up in the Rhein valley and lives in the Werdenberg region. She enjoys spending her free time outside with gardening, cycling, power walking in summer, snowshoeing and skiing in winter .

Trained as a medical practice assistant
9 years of professional experience working in general and specialised practices

Educated at a commercial college
2 years working in a law firm

Work-related stays abroad
with her family in america and sweden


Our practice assistant Janette Eberle is your contact person for appointments by email or phone.

Cooperation partners

Praxis Leupold Kooperation Bad Ragaz
Praxis Leupold Kooperation Kliniken Valens